(21st-Century Stories)
Negatives: Manipulated Arista Ortho Litho film in a pinhole camera.
Prints: Digital inkjet prints on cotton paper Dimensions: Window frames - 25" x 36" inches. Prints - 6" x 7.5" inches. These images are a poem that deconstructs the indexicality of the sharper image representation of Elfreth's Alley houses. What is inside and outside of these six homes are metaphors for the power and access to knowledge in relationship with public and private spaces. The uncontrolled and unpredictable results of a pinhole camera used for these images are interpretations that go beyond the objective representation of Elfreth's Alley. They create new narratives about the archival records, their access, use, and question the importance of the Alley houses as living archives and the stories behind their walls. For more information, listen to the Alley Cast. |